Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Answer is NO!

Maybe some of you reading this can explain to me what is wrong with this tiny little word and why it’s so difficult for some people to say.
I’ve been told “no”, you’ve been told “no” and you can rest assured that my children are told “no” – A LOT! And guess what? Nothing bad happens – imagine that! The world didn’t come to a screeching halt because my husband and I told our daughter “NO” she wasn’t going to get a new cell phone because she dropped hers into a sink full of water. Was she upset? You bet! Is it inconvenient? It sure is, but life DOES go on. She will have to earn back the privilege of having a cell phone.
Ok, this is using the concept of “no” in its simplest form, but really – does it have to be that difficult to tell people “no”? I have no problem telling a server at a restaurant, “no” you’re not getting a good tip, you were rude. Poor, irresponsible, lousy behavior should not be rewarded – under any circumstances!
So, why, then is our government rewarding big business for their financially irresponsible behavior? They’re out of money? TOUGH! You don’t get anymore! If you can’t take care of what you had, what you had been trusted with, you certainly aren’t going to get anymore – the answer is NO! Say it with me, current administration, the answer is NO! It’s time for these corporations to take responsibility for their own actions, own up to the fact that they mismanaged their business, and take the consequences that come with it. Is the government going to come and offer Joe Taxpayer a “bailout” because he mismanaged his checking account and is now overdrawn? Hardly! Yet, that’s what they’ve done with banks and the Big 3 Automakers – only on a much larger scale and with a much greater risk.
And what have these companies done with it? They have rewarded the financially irresponsible behavior of their CEOs with multi-million dollar bonuses! The American people are struggling to keep a roof over their head and food on their table, but we have CEOs getting fat bonus checks and a pat on the back. They’re allowed to keep the jobs that they abused. They are allowed to stay in the same positions they held while they ran their companies into the ground.
Speak up, folks! We DON’T have to take this treatment from a government that is supposed to work for us. We elected these people, we “gave” them their jobs – they work for US – not the other way around. It’s time to make our voices heard. Write to your senators, write to the White House. Let them know that enough is enough. Do we want anymore bailouts? Do we want them to spend anymore money so that our great-grandchildren will have to work to pay it off? The Answer is NO!

As always, I welcome your comments...


  1. Thank you! I'm glad we agree on this one :)

  2. I agree with both of y'all. Very well said.

    I wish more parents would learn to say no. We are raising a society of kids that are going to expect everything to be given to them, because they have never been told NO! And now the government seems to be not only supporting that behavior, but enabling it.

  3. I don't know if its ONLY saying NO. The flip side of saying NO is the CONSEQUENCES that none of the bail out companies got. I mean if I say No your grounded for your math grade, then the next time you plan on flunking Math, you'll remember that you got grounded, and study. If you skip practice you'll stay and don't be LATE.

    Saying NO gets to be easy, but following thru with the consequences is tough. I want other people to be as responsible as I HAVE to be. I mean I wanna take hubby's paycheck and get a pool, think I can call the credit card and say I'm not paying this month...nope then I'd have to pay late fees, etc, etc....the consequences.

    I think this is a GREAT topic, and I think that if as parents we apply it at home, we're more inclined to FORCE our government to say no WITH consequences.

  4. You're both right - thanks for the comments!!

  5. Amen! You hit the nail on the head! I enjoyed reading your blogs....would like to be friends....if it's ok with you?

  6. Dachmom13...thank you and of course it's ok if we're friends! I would also like to invite you to visit our site: New updates wil be up tomorrow.

