Sunday, May 17, 2009

Sunday Morning Rant...

Ok folks, you get a "twofer" treat this morning...

First things first. Our "fearless leader" (and I use the term "leader" loosely, here) is in another controversial position...go figure. His hero, Nancy Pelosi, is caught up in a media frenzy over statements she made regarding the CIA's practice of waterboarding. She claims that she knew nothing about these "torturous" events. Oh, but wait, that was her FIRST story. Now she says that she DID know, but she was misled by the CIA. This, of course, raised the ire of CIA head Leon Panetta (who was appointed by Obama, uh-oh!) who claims that the CIA is not in the habit of misleading Congress.

I agree that the CIA, or any governmental agency for that matter, hasn't always had the cleanest reputation. I tend to believe them in this instance, however A person in a high-ranking position like Nancy Pelosi, with her thumb on the pulse of America, could not NOT know about the goings on of the CIA. Sorry, Nancy! Be a woman and own up to the fact that YOU are actually the one who tried to mislead Congress and the American people by lying about what you knew.

So what will Obama do? It's been asked when he's going to speak about this situation with his beloved Nancy Pelosi. My opinion? He'll say nothing and he'll do nothing. After all, without Geppetto there would be no Pinocchio would there?

Now, as promised, part two of my Sunday morning rant. Wanda Sykes. And before the comments come in that I'm only speaking out against her because she's a black, lesbian, Obama-supporter - hold your tongue. My problem with her is that she's a poor excuse for a human being. Even Dennis Miller, the king of off-color comedy, said in a recent interview with Bill O'Reilly that she was unprofessional.

She can cry until the cows come home that her comment about Rush Limbaugh was "just a joke." Whatever, Wanda. Maybe she didn't come right out and say that she wanted him to die, but wishing someone's "kidneys would fail" isn't exactly wishing that person a long and happy life, is it? Was anything done? Nope. Was she forced to apologize? Nope. But let's look at the CBS Sportscaster David Feherty who made the comment about Nancy Pelosi, Henry Reed, Osama Bin Laden and a U.S. Soldier with a gun and two bullets in an elevator. He was forced to apologize for his comments. Wait, wasn't it "just a joke?" Oh that's right, it's only funny when the current administration isn't the butt of the joke. My fault.

As always, I welcome your comments...

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Just Another Media Feeding Frenzy...

Let's see...what's going on in the world today? Oh that's right, swine flu. Oops I forgot, we're not allowed to call it that anymore. The correct term is H1N1 Type A Influenza, or H1N1 for short. We've had to change the name to its correct medical term because it was causing panic and annoying pig farmers.

Really? The NAME of the flu is causing panic? I don't think so. It's not the name. It's not even the actual disease. It's our friends in the media inciting panic yet again. Think I'm crazy? Let's take a closer look...

Every year, 30,000 people in this country ALONE die from the flu. Not Avian flu. Not Swine flu. Just regular Influenza. There are 900 reported cases of swine flu worldwide. Seven of those cases were fatal in Mexico. Yet we have WHO (World Health Organization) and the CDC (Center for Disease Control) clamoring that we have a pandemic on our hands. I'm not trying to minimize the tragic deaths of the people who contracted this disease. However, we once again need to put things in perspective. Something our friends in the media have yet to figure out how to do.

Here are a few more statistics you may or may not be aware of. More than 2700 people worldwide die from malaria. Just since January of this year, 13,000 people in the United States have died from influenza. Worldwide, it is estimated that between 250,000 and 500,000 people die of regular influenza each year. Why isn't that considered a pandemic? And really, if swine flu, or H1N1, is so dangerous, where is the treatment? Where are the vaccines? The health "experts" can only tell us to take the same precautions we take when we are protecting ourselves from the regular flu: wash your hands and avoid large crowds in confined spaces.

I think I'll play the role of a conspiracy theorist here. I think, and I know without a doubt this will ruffle some feathers, that this is just another way for the current administration to continue down the road toward socialism. They can use this "pandemic" scare as an argument for controlling our medical care and further expand their governmental control.

I for one am not participating in this media feeding frenzy, much in the same way I am not participating in this "recession." Those of you reading this who are familiar with the teachings of Dave Ramsey will understand what I am talking about. Yes, we will be careful and take normal precautions to prevent the flu. But I refuse to be drawn in to this panic.

As always, I welcome your comments.

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